One of the most important parts of the hiring process is understanding that no two candidates are the same, nor do they have the same passions, work ethic or workplace values. This is why finding the right hire and matching talent to opportunities that truly fit becomes so crucial. With over 20 years experience in recruitment, we’ve come to experience our fair share of candidate values and personality types. To help you understand your applicants better, we’ve condensed our experience into five types of job seekers that we place in roles most commonly and how to ensure you’re supporting them when you’re looking to secure a hire. This makes for a happier workplace, higher productivity and better employee retention long-term.
Role Title Chaser
Candidates that are looking for career progression want to see evidence of potential to advance. A role that suits them today alone, will never be enough for someone who desires progression. Candidates usually hold this mentality for one of two reasons. The first, they love a challenge and having something to work towards. Many candidates will never feel fulfilled if they don’t feel as though they’re working towards a common goal. By presenting a role that has several avenues they could enter beyond the current vacancy, it provides a sense purpose.
The second reason crosses over with our ‘Salary Chaser’ candidates, they desire potential for progression to improve their resume and allow for an increase in salary. Employees who have remained within one company and been awarded several promotions are highly desirable, so for candidates, joining a company where they have the potential to do so is a big plus.
Salary chaser
Being a Salary Chaser seems like a no brainer, who doesn’t want to be paid more? But this isn’t necessarily true for everyone. Salary Chasers in their true form will almost certainly accept the job that offers the greatest salary, despite other perks. This also means they are willing to sacrifice several perks if it means their salary will be higher.
If you can recognise a potential candidate as a Salary Chaser, it’s worthwhile minimising other perks they don’t value so highly and instead, increasing their salary. This could include changing their retirement savings plan, allowance for flexible work and holiday or even health insurance coverage if it comes at a high cost to your company.
Exposure driven - gain as much exposure within their industry/field
Similarly to the Role Title Chaser, a candidate that is looking to gain exposure is only going to accept a role that offers more than face value. Unless desperate, exposure-driven candidates demand progression and variation. An example of the type of candidate that may be exposure driven could be a graduate who isn’t sure which area of their line of study they wish to enter into. Alternatively, a candidate who has been in the same industry for an extensive amount of time may decide they want change, and therefore will see a role that demands more variation.
For employers, this can be a great candidate to onboard. Not only are exposure-driven candidates usually very switched on people, they are open to change and tend to welcome new opportunities. However, be careful not to place an exposure-driven candidate in a role they will get bored. The will quickly becomes dissatisfied and are much more likely to seek work elsewhere.
Work/life Balance
With the recent unforeseen changes the global pandemic has caused, the demand for work-life balance has increased dramatically. Candidates are much more in tune with what work style works for them and aren’t afraid to voice it. Post-pandemic, the demand for businesses to offer greater flexible work options is guaranteed so if you don’t have these measures in place it’s time to adapt. In saying this, there are candidates who have circumstances where flexibility and work/life balance are the only option for them. For example, parents and carers need an employer who understands their commitments outside of work and finds a working arrangement that suits both parties.
By working in partnership with your employees you will find they are much more willing to meet your needs as you do with them. It also increases their productivity as it means they can work within the hours they know are going to perform best with the least distractions.
The last type of candidate is a Coaster, an extremely laid-back, up for anything employee. While the name indicates they may be a lazy or unproductive candidate, this isn’t the case at all. Coasters can be a great addition to the right team as they are ultimately happy with what’s handed to them. They also don’t tend to get involved when it comes to work politics or complications and are often very grateful to be there. Not to mention, Coasters are highly likely to remain with a company long term which is a great trait for any employee to possess.
When considering hiring a Coaster, its important to ensure you still consider their needs and values. Employees like this often get taken advantage of or become highly misunderstood because they are so content with their position. Don’t overlook their worth and place them in a role that is unlikely to demand constant pressure and input but rather one that demands consistency.