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The Impact of Technology on Supply Chain Recruitment: Adapting to a Digital World

  • Author IconLindsey Menezes, Pace VIC

The supply chain industry is the backbone of a globalised economy, ensuring the seamless flow of goods from production to consumption. But this vital sector faces a constant challenge—attracting and retaining top talent.

Almost 80% of supply chain operations are experiencing workforce shortages, and that’s due to a number of factors, including an ageing workforce and a more competitive landscape. So how can technology help fill the gaps?


Transforming Talent Acquisition with Technology

The adoption of advanced technologies such as applicant tracking systems (ATS), AI-powered recruitment tools, and virtual interviewing platforms has transformed the recruitment process. These innovations aren’t just reshaping how candidates are sourced and hired, but they’re also setting new standards for the speed and quality of recruitment.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Perhaps the most widely adopted technology in recruitment today, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) can automate the filtering of applications based on certain criteria, reducing the time spent on manual sorting.

According to a Jobscan survey, over 98% of Fortune 500 companies use ATS to handle job applications, while 66% of larger companies also rely on these systems. These figures show how popular ATS is when it comes to boosting recruitment efficiency.

In supply chain management, ATS can be a game-changer when it comes to filtering candidates for roles that often require specific skills and qualifications.

AI-powered Recruitment Tools

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is leading the way in recruitment innovation, offering tools that can predict candidate success, assess cultural fit, and even identify passive candidates who aren’t actively seeking new roles but are open to opportunities.

AI algorithms can analyse data from different sources to provide insights into candidate behaviour and preferences, allowing you to tailor your recruitment approach. Because AI speeds up the recruitment process and saves you valuable time, this particular tech tool is not to be overlooked.

Virtual Interviewing Platforms

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of virtual technologies, and virtual interviewing platforms have now become a staple in recruitment processes. These platforms not only enable remote interviews, but they also integrate seamlessly with other recruitment technology.

This flexibility is particularly valuable for attracting candidates from diverse backgrounds and locations. In fact, it’s been shown that candidates now prefer virtual interviews because of the convenience and time-saving benefits.


The Benefits of Technology in Supply Chain Recruitment

The integration of these kinds of technologies into supply chain recruitment processes offers a number of benefits for your business.

Increased Efficiency

Because technology can automate routine and repetitive recruitment tasks, such as sorting through applications, scheduling interviews, and communicating basic information to candidates, you can save valuable time and resources. This frees you up to focus on higher-level and more strategic activities within your business.

Enhanced Candidate Experience

Technologies like ATS and virtual interviewing platforms offer candidates a more seamless and engaging application process. Using these tools, candidates can easily submit resumes and other important information and can be kept in the loop throughout the entire recruitment process.

Data-Driven Decision Making

AI-powered tools can provide valuable insights into candidate capabilities and potential, leading to more informed hiring decisions. AI can enhance the understanding of a candidate's soft skills, which are often harder to gauge through resumes and conventional interviews, and it can analyse candidates' speech and written communication to assess traits like emotional intelligence, adaptability, and leadership qualities.

Broader Talent Pool Access

Digital tools enable you to reach a wider pool of candidates. This is particularly helpful when looking for candidates with specialised skills in the supply chain sector. Advanced search functions and filtering capabilities allow for the targeting of individuals with specific qualifications or experience, while AI is able to seek out similar profiles across available databases.


Optimising Your Recruitment Strategy in the Digital Age

Learning how to leverage technology effectively in your supply chain recruitment strategy is vital, but understanding how to use these tools can feel daunting. To get the ball rolling, try a few of these simple strategies.

Targeted Job Postings: Make use of AI to tailor your job descriptions with relevant keywords and industry-specific language. This will help to increase the visibility of your role with qualified candidates actively searching for relevant positions.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Use analytics provided by ATS and AI tools to identify effective recruitment channels, track candidate behaviour, and refine your approach for future openings so you can find the perfect fit for your supply chain team, every time.

A Strong Employer Brand: To stand out among the competition, showcase your company culture and commitment to innovation on social media and your website career pages. Highlight opportunities for professional development and growth within the supply chain field.


Pace VIC - The Supply Chain Recruitment Specialists

Harnessing the power of technology in your recruitment strategy can often be easier said than done. To really maximise the tools available, you need someone who knows them inside and out—but also someone who knows your industry inside and out.

At Pace VIC, we have a strong connection to our supply chain and logistics network. Our database is rich with talent able to drive cost and time efficiencies through the end-to-end supply chain process.

The team at our recruitment agency in Melbourne believes in combining modern recruitment practices with old school values to provide unparalleled support and service. We’re here to help you get recruitment right—and that includes guiding you through the technological recruitment tools available.

If you’d prefer to simply hand the reins over to the professionals, we’re across all of the latest and greatest technology to find you the best talent when you need it.

Whether you need to fill roles in planning, inventory, integrated business planning, import and export, supply chain management, analysis, or warehousing, Pace VIC are your supply chain recruitment specialists. Get in touch with us to find out more today.
